Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Neal Adams

Ay, Jo

Watcha reckon to Batman: Odyssey, then?

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Strange New Worlds

Just to say that we have had a great success with an event in Worthing called Strange New Worlds which took place in central Worthing on Saturday 24th of July. This attempt to put on a Sci-Fi and Fantasy festival has been so successful that I have had offers to repeat the event in other parts of Sussex. We had nearly 2000 people come through our doors. I will be uploading photos of the event and film on our dedicated website: www.strangenewworlds.org

Go check it out.

Oh, and we're already planning the next one!


Wednesday, 12 May 2010

HTML comics swarmed down on by comics publishers

Hey mighty Joe this is the Wolfman sending out a warning that the big boy publishers are getting busy in the States having formed some kinda collective pack to go after anyone publishing their material. So ...

Be careful out there ....

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Nolan to oversee new Superman and direct third Batman

Now you guys gotta admit that there be good news for both franchises. I have been saying though that if Marvel get to movie adapt Alan Moore's Marveman books then it is bye bye Superman movie franchise ...

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Man gets six months for owning porno manga

Have we all seen this story?

You people need to read this. Got it from the Quality website and the debate is still raging there. Want to see what you think before I chip in, especially you Joe.